
Tjebbe van Tijen
(digital interface Rolf Pixley; construction Otto Schuurman & Hans van Os, sound Fred Gales)

Michro-Chrono-Machine for displaying chronological visual and sound information, prototype build for an exhibition of 30 years of work by Tjebbe van Tijen in the Amsterdam Gallery "Het Getal 0", 1994. 

A scaffolding constructions holds up a long rail on which a microfilm projector can be pushed back and forward, passing over a long strip of microfilm with pitures giving an overview of 30 years of projects and publications. The frames of the microfilm are projected trough a special lense and a mirror onto the wall. So in this case on a length of 2 meters over a hundred  large size pictures can be shown. While the projector is moved back and forward over the film strip, a measuring device with a rope and a pully registrates at which microfilm frame the projector is halted and this information is linked to a computer system with digital sound, so each picture has its own spoken caption and special background sounds or music. The sound comes from a loudspeaker that is montaged on the movable microfilm-projector.

All the parts of this machine are open and can be touched, so its functioning can easley be understood and its aesthetics are purely derived from the minimal technology needed. The film is kept in psoition by a metal weight, like the tensioning of electrical wires for railway systems. The microfilm itself is very cheap and can, when scratched through use, or damage, easely be changed for a new copy from the original film.

The installation has been designed for  narrated chronological storytelling on the basis of pictures


MicroChrono1 MicroChrono2 MicroChrono3